Random Thing Generator

Designed randomness by Matthew Holland

Your Random Thing:

When you're on your last leg, one must listen while I'm speaking, thank you.

This thing was generated from the corpus key 'motivation' (Motivational Quote)


Random Thing Generator generates random things. See right for a list of approved entry points: a (X) in the name indicates a corpus I'm less happy with, either for lesser variety or greater chance of anomalies.

Vaguely inspired by [the existence of] Tracery (which I didn't actually look into because I wanted to roll my own), it uses a carefully curated corpus of language snippets to generate random stuff.

If you want to consume random things programatically you can request this page with the Accept: text/plain header set (instead of Accept: text/html, not in addition).

Copyright 2024 M Holland. Let me know if you do anything interesting with it, and a credit would be appreciated.